Links: Devex feedback, cognitive load, flow, developer productivity
Links: s3 cost standard infrequent access, eloqua boring technology uptime operational burden, pulumi application error triage review bugs
Links: Primeagen Carmack reaction video IDE vim
Links: Using copilot github writing code
Links: Adrian Cockcroft microservice monolith
Links: Prime video aws monolith serverless performance, jep rfc 1 pager writing, sre blameless srecon amy communication
Maven notes
A post for healthy living related stuff
Links: Learn html forms, mastodon, accessibility
Links: Foundational model slide deck, llm, chatgpt
Brunch: Starving Artist
Notes: Getting Comfortable With Being Underwater
Links: Julia Evans Feedback website, webcomic, red blue dinosaur
Links Slides, presentations
Ocean eReferrals in Nova Scotia
Links: Scale, multi-tenant, Marc Brooker, s3, durability, amazon
Links: Keeping humans in the loop, tools, systems, safety, automation
TIL SRE charter at Honeycomb
TIL Mongodb
Links: Daniel cook, social software, letter writing, letters, community
Brunch: Cafe Landwer
Links: Thymeleaf, shoelace, springboot, htmx
Recent talk by Brendan Gregg about flamegraphs, profiling, ebpf
Links: Queues, latency, did a job run late
Notes from Learning From Incidents (LFI) 2023 talks
Links: Retrospectives, logs, monitoring, observability
SRECon2022 talk: Backend API Design for SREs
Making a fediverse server that's mastodon compatible
Psychology of Optimal Experience
ActivityPub walk through