Weekly notes
- AWS re:Invent 2024 - How Netflix handles sudden load spikes in the cloud (NFX301): Lots of techniques incorporated into a mixed proactive-reactive resilience strategy. A few things that I took away:
- Services that take a long time to start need to start scaling sooner
- Detect, provision infra, start applications, recover
- Awareness of traffic priorities at a per client / request level
- Traffic is migrated as needed between regions
- Retries are thoughtfully implemented (1 or 2 quick ones to try to find a server that’s less utilized before giving up)
- Enhancing Netflix Reliability with Service-Level Prioritized Load Shedding: Per request priority that’s tied into load shedding and autoscaling @ Netflix. Neat stuff. Lots of progress in serving as much user traffic as they can.
- Do-nothing scripting: the key to gradual automation: I like this idea. The beginning of automation! :)
import sys
def wait_for_enter():
raw_input("Press Enter to continue: ")
class CreateSSHKeypairStep(object):
def run(self, context):
print(" ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/{0}".format(context["username"]))
class GitCommitStep(object):
def run(self, context):
print("Copy ~/new_key.pub into the `user_keys` Git repository, then run:")
print(" git commit {0}".format(context["username"]))
print(" git push")
class WaitForBuildStep(object):
build_url = "http://example.com/builds/user_keys"
def run(self, context):
print("Wait for the build job at {0} to finish".format(self.build_url))
class RetrieveUserEmailStep(object):
dir_url = "http://example.com/directory"
def run(self, context):
print("Go to {0}".format(self.dir_url))
print("Find the email address for user `{0}`".format(context["username"]))
context["email"] = raw_input("Paste the email address and press enter: ")
class SendPrivateKeyStep(object):
def run(self, context):
print("Go to 1Password")
print("Paste the contents of ~/new_key into a new document")
print("Share the document with {0}".format(context["email"]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
context = {"username": sys.argv[1]}
procedure = [
for step in procedure:
- The Parker Solar Probe Just Made History: A space probe orbiting the sun currently based on ideas from Eugene Parker who spent a lot of time thinking about solar winds and particles ejected from the sun at high levels of energy and how they would interact with planets.
- Laracon EU :: Jess Archer // Nightwatch Returns: It’s nice to see what good looks like sometimes. This is an automatic monitoring solution for laravel based apps that will come out this year.