Logging @ Stripe

  • Fast and flexible observability with canonical log lines: One of the earliest treatments of canonical log lines I can find. Wide log events are generated in addition to the chattier kind. The wide events have a marker token that’s used to filter them in their log analytics tool during production debugging.

A canonical log line looks like

timestamp canonical-log-line controller=c action=a time_ms=100 …

  • Additionally they use s3 + redshift for long term storage and search


  • All you need is Wide Events, not “Metrics, Logs and Traces”: Another ex-user of scuba from Facebook. 1 log line per request per service, with many key=value dimensions that are searchable, can be aggregated, etc
  • A Practitioner’s Guide to Wide Events: Detailed article about how to do structured logging in a way that will make it easier to find insights later. Lots of standard properties are suggested that have been helpful in the author’s experience. Looks like a really great resource for these ideas!