• Under the hood: FireLens for Amazon ECS Tasks: Firelens is pretty great in our setup. Very easy to get going. This goes into how it works, what part of our life it has made simpler, and how they’ve thought about log delivery reliability. Spoiler: It’s pretty darn reliable.
  • Stovetop cooking and task management: How to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed with a cooking analogy. I like it! Keep from trying to do too much making dinner by limiting yourself to 2 burners - a big one and a small one. The big one in this framing is a larger project that should get most of your best energy and attention. That leaves a smaller burner for a less important task that can be fed when you’re feeling tired or distracted.
  • Automated Accessibility Testing at Slack: Slack uses axe and playwright to do automatic a11y testing. Sounds like playwright was sufficiently customizable to add a custom checker to the test framework. They were also able to customize the reporter in a neat way!
  • The future of htmx: Refreshing position for a software dependency. The creators of htmx see it’s value in tasteful extension of html and vanilla javascript that lines up with the early ideas behind the world wide web. They promise to never churn the project in a way that will break existing software. They want a website written today to work 10 years from now and more!
  • AWS re:Invent 2024 - Get started with Amazon Aurora DSQL (DAT424) New database tech from aws this year. Snapshot isolation, serverless, scalable with strong consistency.