I use Jenkins at work and would like a place to write down random learnings about how to run it well … -ish :) … whether they’re hard won by me or from someone else on the interwebs.
Note: There are several very good continuous integration programs out there these days and I find that learning how one of them works is a good starter for reasoning about others. ymmv
- We create 2 pipelines per project - build, deploy. These are physical files in the project filesystem.
- Pipelines often have 4 stages - code, build, test, deploy.
- Code checkouts out from version control.
- Build runs make or another build script and unit tests and generates a test coverage report.
- Test deploys a new build to a staging environment and runs a suite of automated e2e tests.
- Deploy promotes a new build from staging to production.
- Jenkins automation
- Casc
- Env vars
- JobDsl
- Casc
- Having a local develop environment for pipeline and shared library testing is life altering.