• Use One Big Server: Sometimes running directly running on a server without an intermediary (the cloud) can be a good idea
    • It looks cheaper on paper but those analyses often don’t take into account costs associated with security and the advantage you get from a well architected platform beneath you
    • If you have the skillset for owning this stuff it’s an option but handing off as much of responsibility for hosting as you can can make a lot of sense especially if it’s not core to your business. (For the vast majority of us it isn’t)
    • Also not taken into account are ongoing improvements to performance, security and the ability to hire people at least somewhat familiar with your stack that you get by running in something like AWS
    • So I guess there’s a premium but there’s also a lot of value there!
  • Support multiple container definitions #227: Jenkins ecs plugin can support multiple containers in a task but you have to set it up outside jenkins with something like terraform and refer to it in jenkins-ecs-agent config
  • How to plan?: Great writeup about longer term planning in a technical org (Saved to my papers repo)
  • How to Give Awesome Public Talks: Nice notes from somebody who started with a lot of anxiety doing public speaking at conferences but found his way
    • Try to tell a story like you would to a friend
    • It’s ok to be weird, anxious, a bit messy as long as you are yourself
    • Don’t cram lots of detail into slides (Can work on a supplementary guide with more detail in addition to)
      • People end up reading them or you do to your audience
    • No live coding :)
      • Can always record a terminal session with quicktime or some such and play that
  • AWS re:Invent 2024 - The power of cloud network innovation (NET201): Modern look at the aws network capabilities circa re:Invent2024. Amazing!