- We migrated to Grafana’s LGTM stack, here is the story: Grafana labs has a nice sounding stack for logs, metrics, traces
- Someone attacked our company: Fathom analytics describes living through a serious ddos attack and the various stages it progresses through. My blood pressure was rising from 1 paragraph to the next. I have no idea what it must have been like to be there. 1 important turning point seeming to be when they called out to Aws Shield for help. Having a bunch of people who have been there before and knew what to do next is huge.
- How to build an alerting system with Prometheus and Alertmanager: Nice beginner guide to setting up prometheus with alertmanager.
- Aws reinvent recap 2023: Nice overview of a few of the bigger ideas at the conference this year and what it was like to attend. SLIs/SLOs/SLAs is always a good idea, also tracing and otel vs aws things caught my eye.
- Fathom analytics database migration story: Detailed writeup of the planning and execution of a db migration.
- Boosting Spring Boot Application Startup Time: A Practical Guide: Loved this. The engineer collected detailed data about where a jvm spends it’s time starting their program and then systematically reviews the different major contributors of cpu use and time. Gc and compiler optimizations are heavier than I thought they were during startup. They use java flight records and mission control.
- Looking at Java 21: Generational ZGC: Modern gc in java is improved to add new + old gens.
- Inside .git: Really great diagram, description of the .git dir in a repository.
- Constraint-Driven Innovation: James Hamilton slides from a recent talk about innovation in the db space. Breakthroughs leading to better performance have arrived just in time in the past. We are brushing up against storage and memory bandwidth limits now though.