Week 49: werner vogels reinvent aws
- There is an oom kill count in Linux!: Nice way to detect oom killer activity. metric exposed in linux proc filesystem at /proc/vmstat
- My $500M Mars Rover Mistake: A Failure Story: Incredibly stressful. I struggle with making mistakes and feeling like a fraud sometimes. This felt familiar.
- N.S. expands use of electronic referrals to include ultrasound tests: I love what my company is doing in the Cdn healthcare space!
- TDD Isn’t Design: Test first dev as a way to validate whether the interface have makes sense for what you need it for (Feedback)
- Paper: You Want My Password or a Dead Patient?: Well intentioned security controls can trigger users to do weird things to get around them if they don’t consider whether they’re appropriate in context
- P99 CONF: Corporate Open Source Anti-Patterns panel w/ Bryan Cantrill, Adam Jacob, Ashley Williams: Delightful conversation about recent happenings in the world of companies with popular open source projects and license changes away from free open source towards profit
- AWS re:Invent 2023 - Surviving overloads: How Amazon Prime Day avoids congestion collapse (NET402): Congestion collapse can be seen in all kinds of real world contexts. (queues are everywhere!) Advice for detecting it in systems (high cpu, disk, network use) and testing with chaos testing and crush testing. (stress testing) Jim Roskind was an interesting speaker - worked on http3 spec, perf on google chrome, python’s profiler.