Links: learning to program norvig, ocean referral online book patient engagement
- Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: Becoming really good at something takes time and intention. (References deliberate practice.)
- Three digital health tools to help combat clinic burnout: Online booking, patient forms, and the referral network. All help streamline (and make safer) interactions between health clinics and their patients.
- OceanMD is 10 years old: We’re having a positive impact on healthcare in the province, and recently, the rest of Canada too.
- Revolutionizing Patient Care: Nova Scotia’s Strategic Move to eReferrals: Amazing!
- The “Just In Time” Theory of User Behavior: A helpful hint delivered inline at just the right moment is better than many pages of documentation that very few people will ever read. Tangential idea: make it easy to do the right thing, hard to do the wrong thing when designing an interaction.
- Fantasy Meets Reality: Remember when you’re designing your next amazing thing that somewhere down the line a human might have to use it and take that into account when you think about affordances and safety. :)