• Being hired at automattic: A backend engineer talks about what it’s like going through the wordpress.com hiring process. Interesting ideas about using slack for communication and no video until the last couple of steps in the process. There was a small code test and then a bigger one. (30-40 hours!) The blog didn’t mention whether it was a paid trial but it is. (Confirmed in automattic’s hiring process doc on linked on the main company website.) The process seemed kind of refreshing actually.
  • How Razorpay’s Notification Service Handles Increasing Load: They came up with a few strategies to get more runway our of the architecture of their current system which was neat. They didn’t immediately reach for a more complicated hammer. Clearly we need KAFKA in here!
    • Priority queues
    • Rate limits around the db
    • Customer webhook endpoint health checks / metrics and adaptive flow control of events when unhealthy
    • Better monitoring and alerting in the system