- 2024-11-10 Health information systems still not integrated leaving data stranded between doctors offices: My doctor not having my entire medical history including visits to specialists at hand because those notes don’t move freely between EMR systems was one if the big problems CognisantMD was trying to solve through API access to PSS, Accuro and Oscar when I started with the company 5 years ago. It is still a problem.
- 2024-7-17 Automate and Save Time for Busy Consulting Practice - Digital Health Virtual Symposium 2024: A doctor shares how she uses Ocean for appointment bookings, secure messaging with eforms and automatic uploading of collected patient information to PSS emr.
- Three digital health tools to help combat clinic burnout: Online booking, patient forms, and the referral network. All help streamline (and make safer) interactions between health clinics and their patients.
- OceanMD is 10 years old: We’re having a positive impact on healthcare in the province, and recently, the rest of Canada too.
- Revolutionizing Patient Care: Nova Scotia’s Strategic Move to eReferrals: Amazing!
- WELL’s OceanMD to Roll Out eReferral & eOrders Platform to Help Providers and Patients in British Columbia Digitize & Modernize Clinical Workflows: Press release about bring Ocean to BC for eReferrals, and related products. Feels good to be improve healthcare in Canada.
- WELL’s OceanMD Experiences Significant User Growth and Announces Upcoming Launch of New ‘Health Messenger’ to Help Care Providers Communicate Securely and Efficiently: WELL Health and OceanMD are growing in use in Canada. Love what we’re doing to improve healthcare in Ontario and more and more in other provinces too!
- Patient perspective: New eReferral system will ‘benefit everyone’ and ‘save lives’: Nova Scotia’s health system adopts Ocean for sending eReferrals in the province
- NSH ereferrals (provider version): Nova Scotia video speaking to the new electronic referrals system and why it is worth the energy getting there.
- CognisantMD responds to a concerned patient on reddit: Years ago the company had to respond to a comment by a patient concerned with privacy, security and what the company does and that those 2 things couldn’t be more deeply rooted in the founders dna.
- Health Matters: New e-referral system launches: BC health simple adopts OceanMD for eReferrals and eOrders.
- Highlight of the Month: Mental health sites on OceanMD: Toronto eReferral targets called out in a newsletter by Toronto eServices.